1903 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1903?
- January 4, 1903 – Topsy, an elephant, is electrocuted by Thomas Edison during the War of Currents campaign.
- January 29, 1903 – New Year’s Day in Chinese calendar. Start of the year of the Water Rabbit in Chinese astrology.
- February 11, 1903 – Anton Bruckner’s 9th Symphony receives its first performance in Vienna.
- February 14, 1903 – The United States Department of Commerce and Labor is established (later split into Department of Commerce and Department of Labor).
- February 23, 1903 – Cuba leases Guantánamo Bay to the United States “in perpetuity”.
- March 2, 1903 – In New York City the Martha Washington Hotel opens, becoming the first hotel exclusively for women.
- March 14, 1903 – The Hay-Herran Treaty, granting the United States the right to build the Panama Canal, is ratified by the United States Senate. The Colombian Senate would later reject the treaty.
- March 31, 1903 – Richard Pearse allegedly makes a powered flight in an early aircraft.
- April 6, 1903 – The Kishinev pogrom in Kishinev (Bessarabia) begins, forcing tens of thousands of Jews to later seek refuge in Israel and the Western world.
- April 29, 1903 – A 30 million cubic-metre landslide kills 70 in Frank, Alberta, Canada.
- June 16, 1903 – Roald Amundsen commences the first east-west navigation of the Northwest Passage, leaving Oslo, Norway.
- July 4, 1903 – Dorothy Levitt is reported as the first woman in the world to compete in a 'motor race'.
- July 20, 1903 – The Ford Motor Company ships its first car.
- August 3, 1903 – Macedonian rebels in Kruševo proclaim the Kruševo Republic, which exists only for 10 days before Ottoman Turks lay waste to the town.
- August 18, 1903 – German engineer Karl Jatho allegedly flies his self-made, motored gliding airplane four months before the first flight of the Wright Brothers.
- September 30, 1903 – The new Gresham’s School is officially opened by Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood.
- October 6, 1903 – The High Court of Australia sat for the first time.
- November 3, 1903 – With the encouragement of the United States, Panama separates from Colombia.
- November 18, 1903 – The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty is signed by the United States and Panama, giving the United States exclusive rights over the Panama Canal Zone.
- December 14, 1903 – The Wright brothers make their first attempt to fly with the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
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