1883 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1883?
- January 16, 1883 – The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, establishing the United States Civil Service, is passed.
- January 19, 1883 – The first electric lighting system employing overhead wires, built by Thomas Edison, begins service at Roselle, New Jersey.
- February 28, 1883 – The first vaudeville theater opens in Boston, Massachusetts.
- March 20, 1883 – The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property is signed.
- May 20, 1883 – Krakatoa begins to erupt. The volcano’s final and most notable explosion occurs on August 26.
- May 27, 1883 – Alexander III is crowned Tsar of Russia.
- May 30, 1883 – In New York City, a rumor that the Brooklyn Bridge is going to collapse causes a stampede that crushes twelve people.
- June 5, 1883 – The first regularly scheduled Orient Express departs Paris.
- June 28, 1883 – In Milan in Italy inaugurated the first central European electricity power station.
- August 12, 1883 – The last quagga dies at the Artis Magistra zoo in Amsterdam.
- August 17, 1883 – The first public performance of the Dominican Republic’s national anthem, Himno Nacional.
- August 26, 1883 – The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa begins its final, paroxysmal, stage.
- August 27, 1883 – The eruption of Krakatoa
- October 4, 1883 – First meeting of the Boys’ Brigade in Glasgow, Scotland.
- October 20, 1883 – Peru and Chile sign the Treaty of Ancón, by which the Tarapacá province is ceded to the latter, bringing an end to Peru’s involvement in the War of the Pacific.
- October 22, 1883 – The Metropolitan Opera House in New York City opens with a performance of Gounod’s Faust.
- November 3, 1883 – American Old West: Self-described “Black Bart the poet” gets away with his last stagecoach robbery, but leaves a clue that eventually leads to his capture.
- December 21, 1883 – The first Permanent Force cavalry and infantry regiments of the Canadian Army are formed: The Royal Canadian Dragoons and The Royal Canadian Regiment.
- December 26, 1883 – The Harbour Grace Affray between Irish Catholics and Protestant Orangemen causes five deaths in Newfoundland.
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