1728 Calendar
Who Were Born In The Year 1728?
- January 9, 1728 – Thomas Warton, English poet (d. 1790)
- January 16, 1728 – Niccolò Piccinni, Italian composer (d. 1800)
- February 12, 1728 – Étienne-Louis Boullée, French architect (d. 1799)
- February 13, 1728 – John Hunter, Scottish surgeon (d. 1793)
- February 21, 1728 – Tsar Peter III of Russia, husband of Catherine the Great (d. 1762)
- April 16, 1728 – Joseph Black, Scottish chemist (d. 1799)
- July 3, 1728 – Robert Adam, Scottish architect (d. 1792)
- August 26, 1728 – Johann Heinrich Lambert, Swiss scientist (d. 1777)
- August 29, 1728 – Maria Anna Sophia of Saxony, Electress of Bavaria (d. 1797)
- October 7, 1728 – Caesar Rodney, American lawyer (d. 1784)
- October 27, 1728 – James Cook, British naval captain and explorer (d. 1779)
- November 7, 1728 – Captain James Cook, British naval officer, explorer, and cartographer (d. 1779)
- November 10, 1728 – Oliver Goldsmith, English playwright (d. 1774)
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