1617 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1617?
- February 27, 1617 – Sweden and Russia sign the Treaty of Stolbovo, ending the Ingrian War and shutting Russia out of the Baltic Sea.
Who Were Born In The Year 1617?
- January 6, 1617 – Kristoffer Gabel, Danish statesman (d. 1673)
- May 23, 1617 – Elias Ashmole, English antiquarian (d. 1692)
- November 19, 1617 – Eustache Le Sueur, French painter (d. 1655)
Who Died In The Year 1617?
- January 1, 1617 – Hendrik Goltzius, Dutch painter (b. 1558)
- January 17, 1617 – Faust Vrančić, Croatian inventor (b. 1551)
- February 4, 1617 – Louis Elsevier, Dutch publisher (b. 1546)
- February 6, 1617 – Prospero Alpini, Italian scientist (b. 1553)
- March 21, 1617 – Pocahontas, Native American, daughter of Powhatan (b. c.1595)
- April 4, 1617 – John Napier, Scottish mathematician (b. 1550)
- April 5, 1617 – Alonso Lobo, Spanish composer (b. 1555)
- May 7, 1617 – David Fabricius, German astronomer (b. 1564)
- August 13, 1617 – Johann Jakob Grynaeus, Swiss Protestant clergyman (b. 1540)
- September 25, 1617 – Emperor Go-Yozei of Japan (b. 1572)
- October 27, 1617 – Ralph Winwood, English politician (b. 1563)
- November 10, 1617 – Barnabe Rich, English soldier and writer
- November 22, 1617 – Ahmed I, Ottoman Sultan (b. 1590)
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