1580 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1580?
- April 6, 1580 – One of the largest earthquakes recorded in the history of England, Flanders, or Northern France, takes place.
- June 15, 1580 – Philip II of Spain declares William the Silent to be an outlaw.
- July 12, 1580 – The Ostrog Bible, one of the early printed Bibles in a Slavic language, is published.
- August 25, 1580 – Battle of Alcântara. Spain defeats Portugal.
- September 26, 1580 – Sir Francis Drake finishes his circumnavigation of the Earth.
- October 10, 1580 – After a three-day siege, the English Army beheads over 600 Irish and Papal soldiers and civilians at Dún an Óir, Ireland.
Who Were Born In The Year 1580?
- January 6, 1580 – (baptised) John Smith of Jamestown (d. 1631)
- January 12, 1580 – Lord Alexander Ruthven, Scottish nobleman (d. 1600)
- April 18, 1580 – Thomas Middleton, English dramatist (d. 1627)
- June 6, 1580 – Godefroy Wendelin, Flemish astronomer (d. 1667)
- June 9, 1580 – Daniel Heinsius, Flemish scholar (d. 1655)
- September 14, 1580 – Francisco de Quevedo, Spanish writer (d. 1645)
- September 15, 1580 – Charles Annibal Fabrot, French lawyer (d. 1659)
- December 1, 1580 – Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc, French astronomer (d. 1637)
- December 4, 1580 – Samuel Argall, English adventurer and naval officer (d. 1626)
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