1562 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1562?
- January 17, 1562 – France recognizes the Huguenots under the Edict of Saint-Germain.
- January 18, 1562 – Pope Pius IV reopens the Council of Trent for its third and final session.
- March 1, 1562 – 23 Huguenots are massacred by Catholics in Wassy, France, marking the start of the French Wars of Religion.
- July 12, 1562 – Fray Diego de Landa, acting Bishop of Yucatan, burns the sacred books of the Maya.
Who Were Born In The Year 1562?
- January 12, 1562 – Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy (d. 1630)
- January 13, 1562 – Mark Alexander Boyd, Scottish poet (d. 1601)
- July 25, 1562 – Katō Kiyomasa, Japanese warlord (d. 1611)
- October 4, 1562 – Christian Sørensen Longomontanus, Danish astronomer (d. 1647)
- October 19, 1562 – George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury (d. 1633)
- November 25, 1562 – Félix Lope de Vega, Spanish playwright (d. 1635)
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