1555 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1555?
- February 9, 1555 – Bishop of Gloucester John Hooper is burned at the stake.
- April 17, 1555 – After 18 months of siege, Siena surrenders to the Florentine-Imperial army. The Republic of Siena is incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.
- July 2, 1555 – The Ottoman Admiral Turgut Reis sacks the Italian city of Paola.
- August 23, 1555 – Calvinists are granted rights in the Netherlands.
- September 25, 1555 – The Peace of Augsburg is signed in Augsburg by Charles V and the princes of the Schmalkaldic League.
- November 1, 1555 – French Huguenots establish the France Antarctique colony in present-day Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- November 12, 1555 – The English Parliament re-establishes Catholicism.
Who Were Born In The Year 1555?
- March 18, 1555 – François, Duke of Anjou (d. 1584)
- April 21, 1555 – Ludovico Carracci, Italian painter (d. 1619)
- August 1, 1555 – Edward Kelley, English spirit medium (d. 1597)
- December 4, 1555 – Heinrich Meibom, German historian and poet (d. 1625)
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