1532 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1532?
- May 16, 1532 – Sir Thomas More resigns as Lord Chancellor of England.
- June 23, 1532 – Henry VIII and François I sign a secret treaty against Emperor Charles V.
- August 4, 1532 – the Duchy of Brittany is annexed to the Kingdom of France.
- September 1, 1532 – Lady Anne Boleyn is made Marquess of Pembroke by her fiancé, King Henry VIII of England.
- November 15, 1532 – Commanded by Francisco Pizarro, Spanish conquistadors under Hernando de Soto meet Inca leader Atahualpa for the first time outside Cajamarca, arranging a meeting on the city plaza the following day
- November 16, 1532 – Francisco Pizarro and his men capture Inca Emperor Atahualpa.
Who Were Born In The Year 1532?
- December 26, 1532 – Guilielmus Xylander, German classical scholar (d. 1576)
Who Died In The Year 1532?
- August 16, 1532 – John, Elector of Saxony (b. 1468)
- December 11, 1532 – Pietro Accolti, Italian Catholic cardinal (b. 1455)
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