1432 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1432?
- December 8, 1432 – The first battle between the forces of Švitrigaila and Sigismund Kęstutaitis is fought near the town of Oszmiana (Ashmyany), launching the most active phase of the Lithuanian Civil War.
Who Were Born In The Year 1432?
- January 15, 1432 – King Afonso V of Portugal (d. 1481)
- March 1, 1432 – Isabel of Coimbra, queen of Portugal (d. 1455)
- March 30, 1432 – Mehmed II, Ottoman Sultan (d. 1481)
- August 15, 1432 – Luigi Pulci, Italian poet (d. 1484)
Who Died In The Year 1432?
- October 19, 1432 – John de Mowbray, 2nd Duke of Norfolk, English politician (b. 1392)
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