1411 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1411?
- February 1, 1411 – The First Peace of Thorn is signed in Thorn, Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights (Prussia).
- June 4, 1411 – King Charles VI granted a monopoly for the ripening of Roquefort cheese to the people of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon as they had been doing for centuries.
- July 24, 1411 – Battle of Harlaw, one of the bloodiest battles in Scotland, takes place.
Who Were Born In The Year 1411?
- September 21, 1411 – Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, claimant to the English throne (d. 1460)
Who Died In The Year 1411?
- June 3, 1411 – Duke Leopold IV of Austria (b. 1371)
- November 4, 1411 – Khalil Sultan, ruler of Transoxonia (b. 1384)
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