1383 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1383?
- October 22, 1383 – The 1383-1385 Crisis in Portugal: King Fernando dies without a male heir to the Portuguese throne, sparking a period of civil war and disorder.
Who Were Born In The Year 1383?
- September 4, 1383 – Count Amadeus VIII of Savoy (d. 1451)
Who Died In The Year 1383?
- March 1, 1383 – Amadeus VI of Savoy (b. 1334)
- June 5, 1383 – Dmitry Konstantinovich, Russian prince (b. 1324)
- June 8, 1383 – Thomas de Ros, 5th Baron de Ros, English Crusader (b. 1338)
- June 15, 1383 – John VI Cantacuzenus, Byzantine Emperor (b. c. 1292)
- October 22, 1383 – King Fernando I of Portugal (b. 1345)
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