1321 Calendar
Who Were Born In The Year 1321?
- July 5, 1321 – Joan of The Tower, Queen consort of King David II of Scotland (d. 1362)
- September 29, 1321 – John of Artois, Count of Eu, French soldier (d. 1387)
Who Died In The Year 1321?
- January 12, 1321 – Maria of Brabant, wife of Philip III of France (b. 1256)
- April 19, 1321 – Gerasimus I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople (b. unknown)
- September 14, 1321 – Dante Alighieri, Italian author (b. 1265)
- October 29, 1321 – Stephen Uroš II, King of Serbia (b. 1253)
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