1306 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1306?
- February 10, 1306 – In front of the high altar of Greyfriars Church in Dumfries, Robert the Bruce murders John Comyn, his leading political rival, sparking revolution in the Scottish Wars of Independence
- March 25, 1306 – Robert the Bruce becomes King of Scotland.
- March 27, 1306 – Robert the Bruce is crowned King of Scotland at Scone.
- June 19, 1306 – The Earl of Pembroke’s army defeats Bruce’s Scottish army at the Battle of Methven.
Who Died In The Year 1306?
- March 21, 1306 – Robert II, Duke of Burgundy (b. 1248)
- August 4, 1306 – King Wenceslaus III of Bohemia, Hungary and Poland (b. 1289)
- September 10, 1306 – St Nicholas of Tolentino, Italian mystic (b. c. 1245)
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