1302 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1302?
- May 18, 1302 – Bruges Matins, the nocturnal massacre of the French garrison in Bruges by members of the local Flemish militia.
- July 11, 1302 – Battle of the Golden Spurs (Guldensporenslag in Dutch) – a coalition around the Flemish cities defeats the king of France’s royal army.
- July 27, 1302 – Battle of Bapheus: decisive Ottoman victory over the Byzantines opening up Bithynia for Turkish conquest.
- November 18, 1302 – Pope Boniface VIII issues the Papal bull Unam sanctam (One Faith).
Who Were Born In The Year 1302?
- December 7, 1302 – Azzone Visconti lord of Milan (d. 1339)
Who Died In The Year 1302?
- July 11, 1302 – Robert II of Artois, French soldier (b. 1250)
- November 17, 1302 – St. Gertrude the Great (b. 1256)
- December 31, 1302 – Frederick III, Duke of Lorraine (b. 1238)
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