1294 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1294?
- April 14, 1294 – Temür, grandson of Kublai, is elected Khagan of the Mongols and Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty with the reigning titles Oljeitu and Chengzong.
- December 13, 1294 – Saint Celestine V resigns the papacy after only five months; Celestine hoped to return to his previous life as an ascetic hermit.
- December 24, 1294 – Pope Boniface VIII is elected Pope, replacing St. Celestine V, who had resigned.
Who Died In The Year 1294?
- February 2, 1294 – Louis II, Duke of Bavaria (b. 1229)
- February 18, 1294 – Kublai Khan, Mongol Emperor (b. 1215)
- May 3, 1294 – John I, Duke of Brabant (b. 1252)
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