1071 Calendar
What Happened In Year 1071?
- April 15, 1071 – Bari, the last Byzantine possession in southern Italy, is surrendered to Robert Guiscard.
- August 5, 1071 – Byzantine–Norman wars: Italo-Normans begin a nearly-three-year siege of Bari.
- August 26, 1071 – Battle of Manzikert: The Seljuk Turks defeat the Byzantine Army at Manzikert.
Who Were Born In The Year 1071?
- October 22, 1071 – William IX, Duke of Aquitaine and poet (d. 1126)
Who Died In The Year 1071?
- February 22, 1071 – Arnulf III, Count of Flanders (killed in battle) (b. c. 1055)
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