About January 30
January 30, 2024 is the 30th day of the year 2024 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 336 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Tuesday.
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Aquarius is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Garnet is the modern birthstone for this month. Emerald is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.
According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 11 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.
What Happened On January 30
- 1048 –Protestantism: The villagers around today’s Baden-Baden elect their own priest in defiance of the local bishop.
- 1649 –King Charles I of England is beheaded.
- 1661 –Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England is ritually executed two years after his death, on the anniversary of the execution of the monarch he himself deposed.
- 1667 –The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth cedes Kiev, Smolensk, and left-bank Ukraine to the Tsardom of Russia in the Treaty of Andrusovo.
- 1703 –The Forty-seven Ronin, under the command of Ōishi Kuranosuke, avenge the death of their master.
- 1820 –Edward Bransfield sights the Trinity Peninsula and claims the discovery of Antarctica.
- 1858 –The first Hallé concert is given in Manchester, England, marking the official founding of the Hallé Orchestra as a full-time, professional orchestra.
- 1913 –The United Kingdom’s House of Lords rejects the Irish Home Rule Bill.
- 1925 –The Government of Turkey throws Patriarch Constantine VI out of Istanbul.
- 1933 –Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
- 1943 –World War II: Second day of the Battle of Rennell Island. The USS Chicago is sunk and a U.S. destroyer is heavily damaged by Japanese torpedoes.
- 1959 –ship MS, said to be the safest ship afloat and “unsinkable” like the RMS Titanic, struck an iceberg on her maiden voyage and sank, killing all 95 aboard.
- 1964 –In a bloodless coup, General Nguyen Khanh overthrows General Duong Van Minh’s military junta in South Vietnam.
- 1964 –Ranger program: Ranger 6 is launched.
- 1968 –New Year’s Day in Chinese calendar. Start of the year of the Earth Monkey in Chinese astrology.
- 1969 –The Beatles’ last public performance, on the roof of Apple Records in London. The impromptu concert is broken up by the police.
- 1975 –The Monitor National Marine Sanctuary is established as the first United States National Marine Sanctuary.
- 1979 –A Varig 707-323C freighter, flown by the same commander as Flight 820, disappears over the Pacific Ocean 30 minutes after taking off from Tokyo.
- 1989 –The American embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan closes.
- 2000 –Off the coast of Ivory Coast, Kenya Airways Flight 431 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean, killing 169.
Is this your birthday? Are you not curious to learn who shares your special day? Find out the January 30 famous birthdays and expand your knowledge today. (Sponsored link)
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