About August 25
August 25, 2024 is the 238th day of the year 2024 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 128 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Sunday.
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Virgo is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Peridot is the modern birthstone for this month. Diamond is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.
According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 157 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.
What Happened On August 25
- 1248 –The Dutch city of Ommen receives city rights and fortification rights from Otto III, the Archbishop of Utrecht.
- 1258 –Regent George Mouzalon and his brothers are killed during a coup headed by the aristocratic faction under, paving the way for its leader, Michael VIII Palaiologos, to ultimately usurp the throne of the Empire of Nicaea.
- 1537 –The Honourable Artillery Company, the oldest surviving regiment in the British Army, and the second most senior, is formed.
- 1580 –Battle of Alcântara. Spain defeats Portugal.
- 1768 –James Cook begins his first voyage.
- 1835 –The New York Sun perpetrates the Great Moon Hoax.
- 1875 –Captain Matthew Webb became the first person to swim across the English Channel, traveling from Dover, England, to Calais, France, in 22 hours.
- 1898 –700 Greek civilians, 17 British guards and the British Consul of Crete are killed by a Turkish mob in Heraklion, Greece.
- 1912 –The Kuomintang, the Chinese nationalist party, is founded.
- 1914 –World War I: The library of the Catholic University of Leuven is deliberately destroyed by the German Army. Hundreds of thousands of irreplaceable volumes and Gothic and Renaissance manuscripts are lost.
- 1916 –The United States National Park Service is created.
- 1933 –The Diexi earthquake strikes Mao County, Sichuan, China and kills 9,000 people.
- 1942 –World War II: second day of the Battle of the Eastern Solomons. A Japanese naval transport convoy headed towards Guadalcanal is turned-back by an Allied air attack, losing one destroyer and one transport sunk, and one light cruiser heavily damaged.
- 1944 –World War II: Paris is liberated by the Allies.
- 1950 –President Harry Truman orders the US Army to seize control of the nation’s railroads to avert a strike.
- 1989 –Voyager 2 spacecraft makes its closest approach to Neptune, the outermost planet in the Solar System.
- 1991 –Belarus gains its independence from the Soviet Union
- 1991 –Linus Torvalds announces the first version of what will become Linux.
- 1991 –The Airbus A340 aircraft makes it’s first flight.
- 1997 –Egon Krenz, the former East German leader, is convicted of a shoot-to-kill policy at the Berlin Wall.
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