About July 2
July 2, 2024 is the 184th day of the year 2024 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 182 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Tuesday.
You can browse the full year calendar in case you need it.
Is this your birthday? Are you not curious to learn who shares your special day? Find out the July 2 famous birthdays and expand your knowledge today. (Sponsored link)
Cancer is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Ruby is the modern birthstone for this month. Ruby is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.
According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 211 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.
July 2: More About This Day
This day is the midpoint of a common year because there are 182 days before and 182 days after (median of the year) in common years, and 183 before and 182 after in leap years. The exact time in the middle of the year is at noon, or 12:00 p.m. In the UK and other countries that use “Summer Time” the actual exact time of the mid point in a common year is at 1:00 p.m. this is when 182 days and 12 hours have elapsed and there are 182 days and 12 hours remaining. This is due to Summer Time having advanced the time by one hour. It falls on the same day of the week as New Year’s Day in common years.
What Happened On July 2
- 437 –Emperor Valentinian III, begins his reign over the Western Roman Empire. His mother Galla Placidia ends her regency, but continues to exercise political influence at the court in Rome.
- 626 –Li Shimin, the future Emperor Taizong of Tang, Emperor of China, ambushes and kills his rival brothers Li Yuanji and Li Jiancheng in the Incident at Xuanwu Gate.
- 963 –The imperial army proclaims Nicephorus Phocas Emperor of the Romans on the plains outside Cappadocian Caesarea.
- 1494 –The Treaty of Tordesillas is ratified by Spain.
- 1555 –The Ottoman Admiral Turgut Reis sacks the Italian city of Paola.
- 1561 –Menas, Emperor of Ethiopia, defeats a revolt in Emfraz.
- 1613 –The first English expedition from Massachusetts against Acadia led by Samuel Argall takes place.
- 1644 –English Civil War: Battle of Marston Moor.
- 1679 –Europeans first visit Minnesota and see headwaters of Mississippi in an expedition led by Daniel Greysolon de Du Luth.
- 1823 –Bahia Independence Day: the end of Portuguese rule in Brazil, with the final defeat of the Portuguese crown loyalists in the province of Bahia.
- 1839 –Twenty miles off the coast of Cuba, 53 rebelling African slaves led by Joseph Cinqué take over the slave ship Amistad.
- 1890 –The U.S. Congress passes the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
- 1900 –The first Zeppelin flight takes place on Lake Constance near Friedrichshafen, Germany.
- 1937 –Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan are last heard from over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to make the first equatorial round-the-world flight.
- 1940 –Indian independence leader Subhas Chandra Bose is arrested and detained in Calcutta.
- 1950 –The Golden Pavilion at Kinkaku-ji in Kyoto, Japan burns down.
- 1976 –Fall of the Republic of Vietnam; Communist North Vietnam declares their union to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
- 1986 –Rodrigo Rojas and Carmen Gloria Quintana where burnt alive during a street demonstration against the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet in Chile.
- 2000 –Vicente Fox Quesada is elected the first President of México from an opposition party, the Partido Acción Nacional, after more than 70 years of continuous rule by the Partido Revolucionario Institucional.
- 2010 –The South Kivu tank truck explosion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo kills at least 230 people.
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