About May 18

May 18, 2025 is the 138th day of the year 2025 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 227 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Sunday.

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Taurus is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Emerald is the modern birthstone for this month. Sapphire is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.

According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 275 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.

What Happened On May 18

  • 1631
    In Dorchester, Massachusetts, John Winthrop takes the oath of office and becomes the first Governor of Massachusetts.
  • 1652
    Rhode Island passes the first law in North America making slavery illegal.
  • 1804
    Napoleon Bonaparte is proclaimed Emperor of the French by the French Senate.
  • 1811
    Battle of Las Piedras: The first great military triumph of the revolution of the Río de la Plata in Uruguay led by Jose Artigas.
  • 1812
    John Bellingham is found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging for the assassination of British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval.
  • 1843
    The Disruption in Edinburgh of the Free Church of Scotland from the Church of Scotland.
  • 1900
    The United Kingdom proclaims a protectorate over Tonga.
  • 1927
    After being founded for 20 years, the Government of the Republic of China approves Tongji University to be among the first national universities of the Republic of China.
  • 1927
    The Bath School Disaster: forty-five people are killed by bombs planted by a disgruntled school-board member in Michigan.
  • 1933
    New Deal: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs an act creating the Tennessee Valley Authority.
  • 1956
    First ascent of Lhotse 8,516 meters, by a Swiss team.
  • 1958
    An F-104 Starfighter sets a world speed record of 1,404.19 mph (2,259.82 km/h).
  • 1969
    Apollo program: Apollo 10 is launched.
  • 1974
    Completion of the Warsaw radio mast, the tallest construction ever built at the time. It collapsed on August 8, 1991.
  • 1980
    1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens: Mount St. Helens erupts in Washington, United States, killing 57 people and causing $3 billion in damage.
  • 1990
    In France, a modified TGV train achieves a new rail world speed record of 515.3 km/h (320.2 mph).
  • 1991
    Northern Somalia declares independence from the rest of Somalia as the Republic of Somaliland but is not recognized by the international community.
  • 1993
    EU - riots in Nørrebro, Copenhagen caused by the approval of the four Danish exceptions in the Maastricht Treaty referendum. Police opened fire against civilians for the first time since World War II and injured 11 demonstrators. In total 113 bullets are fired.
  • 2005
    A second photo from the Hubble Space Telescope confirms that Pluto has two additional moons: Nix and Hydra.
  • 2009
    Sri Lankan Civil War: The LTTE are defeated by the Sri Lankan government, ending almost 26 years of fighting between the two sides.

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