About April 13
April 13, 2024 is the 104th day of the year 2024 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 262 days remaining until the end of this year. The day of the week is Saturday.
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Aries is the sun sign of a person born on this day. Diamond is the modern birthstone for this month. Opal is the mystical birthstone from Tibetan origin that dates back over a thousand years.
According to the lunisolar Chinese calendar, there are 291 days remaining before the start of the next Chinese New Year.
What Happened On April 13
- 1613 –Samuel Argall kidnaps Chief Powhatan’s daughter, Pocahontas in Virginia along the Potomac River.
- 1796 –The first elephant ever seen in the United States arrives from India.
- 1829 –The British Parliament grants freedom of religion to Roman Catholics.
- 1849 –Hungary becomes a republic.
- 1873 –The Colfax Massacre takes place.
- 1902 –James C. Penney opens his first store in Kemmerer, Wyoming.
- 1909 –The Turkish military reverses the Ottoman countercoup of 1909 to force the deposal of Sultan Abdul Hamid II.
- 1919 –Eugene V. Debs enters prison at the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia, for speaking out against the draft during World War I.
- 1919 –Jallianwala Bagh massacre: British troops massacre at least 379 unarmed demonstrators in Amritsar, India. At least 1200 wounded.
- 1919 –The Establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea.
- 1944 –Diplomatic relations between New Zealand and the Soviet Union are established.
- 1945 –World War II: German troops kill more than 1,000 political and military prisoners in Gardelegen Germany.
- 1948 –The Hadassah medical convoy massacre: In an ambush, 79 Jewish doctors, nurses and medical students from Hadassah Hospital and a British soldier are massacred by Arabs in Sheikh Jarra near Jerusalem.
- 1958 –During the Cold War, American Van Cliburn wins the inaugural International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow.
- 1970 –An oxygen tank aboard Apollo 13 explodes, putting the crew in great danger and causing major damage to the spacecraft while en route to the Moon.
- 1972 –The Universal Postal Union decides to recognize the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate Chinese representative, effectively expelling the Republic of China administering Taiwan.
- 1972 –Vietnam War: The Battle of An Lộc begins.
- 1974 –Western Union (in cooperation with NASA and Hughes Aircraft) launches the United States’ first commercial geosynchronous communications satellite, Westar 1.
- 1976 –The United States Treasury Department reintroduced the two-dollar bill as a Federal Reserve Note on Thomas Jefferson’s 233rd birthday as part of the United States Bicentennial celebration.
- 1992 –The Great Chicago Flood.
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